Category: Nicht kategorisiert

29. Große Brandenburger Kanuregatta came to a successful end

After a two-year break from competitions at the Brandenburg regatta course due to corona, the regatta team Brandenburg Beetzsee e.V. organized a competition for the first time again with the Great Brandenburg Canoe Regatta. A general trial, which ran very successfully for the 50-strong team of helpers around club leader Uwe Steinhäuser. Despite difficult conditions…
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Program 29. Große Brandenburger Kanuregatta

Hello, dear sports friends, Enclosed is the program of the 29th Great Brandenburg Canoe Race. Please note the schedule changes due to the low number of registrations. Food orders and campsite registrations are still possible at Please note the deadline for late registration 96 hours before the start of the team leader meeting. All…
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